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Company History

Klingele’s company history is a success story with three main features: our people, their ideas and their commitment.
The story began when the company was founded in 1920 and is still unfolding with every apprentice or new employee who joins us. For 100 years now, our name has stood for comprehensive expertise in the fields of corrugated board, paper and corrugated packaging.


Commissioning of the Sheet plant Diamniadio, Senegal

Investment in Africa 

Commissioning of the Sheet plant Diamniadio, Senegal 


Produktionsstandort von Klingele auf der französischen Insel Guadeloupe

Acquisition in the Caribbean

As of 01 April 2021, Klingele has acquired the production site Société Guadeloupéenne de Carton Ondulé (SGCO) on the French island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean from International Paper Company.


Kraftliner-Fabrik von Klingele in Brasilien

Klingele acquires Kraftliner mill in Brazil

Klingele purchased the Kraftliner paper mill in Nova Campina and a hydroelectric power plant in Catas Altas in the state of São Paolo from Klabin S. A., the largest producer of corrugated board paper and packaging in Brazil. Klingele has now expanded its range of paper products to include virgin fiber papers.


100 years timing technology teamwork at Klingele

100 years of Klingele

The company was founded 100 years ago. Klingele is now present for its customers in Europe, Africa and Central America with two paper mills, twelve corrugated board plants, eight converting plants and one sheet feeder plant.


Die Klingele Paper & Packaging Group mit neuem Markenauftritt

Launch of a new uniform brand identity

Klingele has launched a new uniform brand identity on 12 December 2019. In the future, Klingele will operate under the umbrella brand “Klingele Paper & Packaging Group”, replacing the former name “Klingele Papierwerke”. The reasons for this is the dynamic growth of the group in Germany and abroad over the past decades, as well as numerous acquisitions and investments.


Klingele übernimmt 50 Prozent an Onboard Corrugated Limited

Acquisition on the British market

Klingele acquires 50 percent of the British company Onboard Ltd. Klingele is thus investing in the Group's first sheet feeder plant and further expanding its strategic partnerships abroad.


Klingele übernimmt spanischen Ondunova Gruppe

Acquisition of Ondunova

Klingele has acquired all of the shares of the the Spanish Ondunova Group after having been a part of the company since the early 1970s.


Klingele Gruppe investiert in Kuba

Investment in Cuba 

The Klingele Group invests in the promising Cuban corrugated cardboard industry through its Spanish subsidiary Klingele Embalajes will therefore operate two corrugated cardboard plants and a folding box plant in Havanna.


Klingele beteiligt sich an skaninavischer Peterson Gruppe

Step to Scandinavia 

Klingele now participates with a 26% shareholding in the Scandinavian Peterson Group, which is the market leader in Norway and has a strong presence in Denmark and Sweden.


Klingele gründet Blue Paper SAS in Straßburg als Joint Venture mit VPK Packaging


Foundation of Blue Paper SAS, as a joint venture of Klingele and VPK Packaging. Conversion of the paper mill for magazine paper into a mill for corrugated board papers.


Kraftwerk "Weener Energie" wird eingeweiht

Energy for the future

Klingele opened a refuse-derived fuel (RDF) power plant known as "Weener Energie" at the Weener paper mill.


Gründung von Klingele Golfkarton an der niederländisch-deutschen Grenze

Foundation of Klingele Golfkarton

In Elst, in the province of Gelderland on the Dutch-German border, Klingele founded Klingele Golfkarton C.V. In 2019, the processing plant moved to Nijmegen.


Investitionen bei Klingle in Maschinen, Technologien und Prozesse

Programme of expansion

Klingele embarked upon the biggest programme of expansion the company had ever seen. In subsequent years, around 400 million euros were invested in new machinery, technology and processes.


Dr. Jan Klingele übernimmt die Unternehmensführung der Gruppe

Third generation

Following the death of Dr. Werner Klingele, overall responsibility passes to his son, Dr. Jan Klingele.


Neue Papiermaschine für die Papierfabrik Weener

Quantum leap

The Weener paper mill started production on a new paper machine, giving Klingele’s technology a decisive competitive edge in the corrugated board base paper market.


Dr. Brigitte Klingele tritt in die Geschäftsführung ein

Ongoing progress

Dr. Brigitte Klingele became a director and the company’s presence spanned the whole of Germany.


Einsieg in die Papierproduktion durch Übernahme der Papierfabrik in Weener

New markets

In 1961, Klingele acquired a paper mill in Weener marking the beginning of the family-owned company’s interest in paper manufacturing. In the same year, Klingele triggered its expansion in Spain with the acquisition of a major share in a local company.


Gründerfamilien Klingele und Holfelder gehen eigene Wege

Separate ways

In 1952, the two founding families, Klingele und Holfelder, decided to end their partnership. Grunbach became the headquarters of the Klingele Group and the Holfelder family retained ownership of the Wiesloch plant.


Dr. Werner Klingele übernimmt die Unternehmensführung

Second generation

Following the death of the founder, Alfred Klingele, his son, Dr. Werner Klingele, took over the management of the company.


Papierfabrik wird in Grunbach gebaut


A second production plant, later to become the Klingele Group’s headquarters, was built in Grunbach near Stuttgart in 1936.


Alfred Klingele und sein Schwager Emil Holfelder gründen die Badische Wellpapierfabrik Klingele & Holfelder


Alfred Klingele and his brother-in-law Emil Holfelder began production of corrugated board at their plant, Badische Wellpapierfabrik Klingele & Holfelder, in Wiesloch near Heidelberg on 21 April 1920.