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The second Blue Paper paper factory was started up in Strasbourg at the end of 2013. The French joint venture "Blue Paper SAS" that was founded together with VPK Group NV (Belgium) was converted from a paper factory for making newspaper into a state-of-the-art production system for the manufacture of lightweight base papers for corrugated cardboard packaging over a period of about one year.
The paper machine has a cut working width of 8.62 m and can therefore cope perfectly well with the most commonly-used widths of the majority of modern corrugated paper production systems. The production is designed for an annual capacity of more than 440.000 t/a of lightweight corrugated paper and Testliner (surface weight 70 to 125 g/m2).
Please contact us if you require further information.
Plant Manager:
Francois Bru
Blue Paper SAS
Paper mill Strasbourg
4, rue Charles Friedel, CS 30009
67017 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel.: +33 388 41 75 41
Fax: +33 388 41 75 98
E-Mail: info@bluepaper.eu
Directions: Google Maps