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trading centre

Kleinserienfertiger für Wellpappe Villmar

Today's Klingele Plus GmbH (formerly Blenk Verpackung + Logistik, founded in 1977) is a modern warehouse and logistics centre specialising in the packaging trade of standard packaging (especially bottle shipping cartons). Extensive warehousing guarantees just-in-time delivery. 

Range of services:

  • Boxes and containers for removals, archiving, etc.
  • Standard packaging for letter and parcel dispatch.
  • Packaging for the printing industry e.g. business card boxes, calendar packaging, outer packaging, to name but a few.
  • Bags, wadding and padding material
  • Adhesive tape, labels and signs
  • Packaging film, pallets and strapping
  • Wine and gift packaging
  • Co-packaging, packing and pick-and-pack services

Please contact us for more information or visit us at our website


Facts and figures

  • Employees: 87

Plant Manager:
Christian Stangrecki

Marco Stengel - Klingele Paper & Packaging Group

Sales director:
Marco Stengel

Klingele Packaging
Limburg GmbH & Co. KG
Service & Handelscentrum Villmar
In der Diefenbach 3
65606 Villmar-Aumenau

Tel.: +49 6474 88 22 0
Fax: +49 6474 88 22 88

Route: Google Maps