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Our values -
who we are

Klingele Code of conduct

Klingele is a traditional family company that has been successfully operating in the market for over 100 years. At Klingele, we strive to live and act according to certain principles that have made us what we are today. In doing so, we place particular emphasis on long-term and sustainable relationships with our customers, partners and employees. By focusing on our values, we create a unique company culture. To ensure that everyone in our company embraces our values, we defined them ourselves in a comprehensive process involving all our plants. This resulted in seven concise values that serve as an orientation guideline for our conduct. 

‘Ultimately, the values we have formulated are the cornerstones of our thoughts and actions at Klingele. Far from being a mere theoretical concept, they arise from actual interaction with each other and our customers.’ 

Dr. Jan Klingele