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Ecommerce - A memorable unboxing experience
Ecommerce packaging plays a crucial role during all "Moments of Truth". Experience compelling packaging designs created by our Europeans teams.
Amazon Ships- in Product Packaging (SIPP)
Is your e-commerce packaging optimised to ensure compliance with Amazon’s shipping regulations? Klingele is an official member of the Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network (APASS). We offer you expert advice – get in touch.
Click Klingele
You are looking for a partner who understands your business and who will support you and provide you with professional advice from the packaging idea and implementation through to the production and logistics. Take advantage of our "all-inclusive package" and focus on your strengths.
Great news for the environment
Our shipping packaging is made of corrugated board and is inherently sustainable and environmentally friendly because of its properties, production process, low transport volume and the raw materials used.
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Define packaging requirements!
Any questions? Our E-commerce and mail order specialists have the answers.
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You also send approximately 25% air with every order. You can make savings here!