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FastFix –
simply fantastic!

FastFix – simply fantastic!

FastFix - simply intelligently packed

FastFix – The name says it all. This is a system made from a corrugated box and a special blank as an insert that finally solves a well-known problem in the industry: sensibly securing the goods to be transported in the box without using other packing materials - quick, convenient, cost-effective and eco-friendly. Users no longer need any packing material (plastic chips, bubble wrap or similar) to adjust the height in order to secure the goods to be transported in the carton quickly and efficiently and to protect them from damage in transit.

Advantages of FastFix at a glance:

  • Saves up to 100% of packing material
  • Saves time and space at the packing table
  • Eco-friendly, single-material solution
  • Separates the packaged goods and accompanying paperwork
  • Existing corrugated boxes can be retrofitted
  • Guarantees frustration-free unpacking

Looking for innovative packaging?