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Herb Display

Kräuterdisplay für den Versand von Pflanzen und Kräutern

The Herb Display

The Herb Display, awarded the "Goldene Welle 2012"

The jury of the "Goldene Welle" prize awarded by the German association of corrugated board manufacturers honoured this display due to its exemplary implementation of all customer requirements. From resource-saving single-piece production, Flexo-process printing using water-soluble inks, and simple recycling – the design concept takes account of all the retail sector's environmental requirements. The jury also cited the replacement of the previous wood display, cost-effective production as well as space-saving delivery and storage as factors offering a clear financial advantage to the customer.

Advantages of the Herb Display at a glance:

  • Significant material savings through use of the side walls as an intermediate shelf
  • Resource-saving single-piece production
  • Space-saving delivery and storage
  • Single-piece construction can be produced on inline machines
  • Simple recycling for retailers

Looking for innovative packaging?

Reference: VDW