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X-slot lid solution

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

Contact us now

Conventional slot-on lids must be sealed with adhesive tape or fasteners. Our X-slots with intelligent, variable partial punching are available for quantities of 50 units in your desired size without tool costs. The X-slots are a packaging system that can be stored with minimum space requirements and can be assembled in a flash.

Advantages at a glance

  • Self-locking without fasteners and glue
  • Quick and easy to assemble with a simple interlocking system
  • Assembly without any aids
  • Variable length and width
  • No tool costs
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging

Small quantities of die-cut packaging without tool costs!


  • Flute profile: B-, C-, EB-, BC-flute
  • Height at least 120 mm

CAD number


Example applications

  • X-slot packaging
  • Pallet cover
  • Base
  • Lid

Type of Packaging

  • Transport packaging
  • Heavy goods packaging
  • Special Solutions
  • Specialities without tooling costs


  • E-Commerce & Mail Order Business
  • Electronics & Engeneerings & Mechanics