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Slot-in corrugated cardboard padding

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

Contact us now

Corrugated cardboard padding is used as inner packaging with a suitable transport box. The slot-in padding offers optimum protection for sensitive products, such as components, optical equipment or other individual parts. It is shock-absorbent and prevents sensitive surfaces from being scratched. The padding can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way after it has been used.

Advantages at a glance

  • Can be used as a dummy, padding or sleeve
  • Low production costs
  • Fast handling
  • Can be produced as a 1, 2 and 3-piece sleeve
  • No tool costs
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging

Easy fixing without adhesive tape!


  • Flute profile: B flute

CAD number

n162265, n153875

Example applications

  • Bottles
  • Glasses
  • Tubes
  • Components
  • Parts
  • Punched parts

Type of Packaging

  • Additional partitions & padding & dividers & inserts
  • Specialities without tooling costs


  • Special Solutions
  • Electronics & Engeneerings & Mechanics
  • E-Commerce & Mail Order Business