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Drinks display – in the shape of a pyramid

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

Contact us now

The floor display for drinks impresses with its attractive and sales-orientated design. The display provides a secondary placement in stores to attract attention and increase sales. 

Advantages at a glance 

  • Accessible from all sides 
  • Products are clearly visible and easy to remove 
  • Presentation on three levels 
  • Number of presentation levels is variable 
  • Allows high-quality printing for optimum brand and product presentation  
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging 

Variable presentation areas 


  • Silk screen printing: 4 colours 
  • 7-piece 

CAD number

Sample applications 

  • Alcoholic drinks 
  • Non-alcoholic drinks 
  • Wine 
  • Spirits 

Type of Packaging

  • Display


  • Beverages