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Counter display for cans

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

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The counter display for cans has been awarded the “Golden Wave” Innovation Award for its intelligent design. The packaging is designed in such a way that the transport packaging transforms into an eye-catching display at the POS. The contents are transported upright and are then removed from the display in a lying position. Product visibility and usability are solved in an exemplary manner. 

Advantages at a glance 

  • Eye-catching display for the sale of cylinder-shaped promotional merchandise  
  • Products are clearly visible and easy to remove  
  • Due to the slight inclination of the display and gravity, the next product automatically slides down 
  • During transport, the packaging protects the part of the print motif that forms the head section when displayed at the POS. 
  • Since it is transported vertically, the product carries the structural load. 
  • Distinguished with the “Golden Wave” Innovation Award 
  • Allows high-quality printing for optimum brand and product presentation 
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging  

Distinguished with the “Golden Wave” Innovation Award 


  • Flute profile: B-flute 

CAD number


Sample applications 

  • Beverages 
  • Cans 
  • Tinned food 

Type of Packaging

  • Transport packaging
  • Promotional packaging
  • Die-cut packaging
  • Display


  • Foods
  • Beverages