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Hazardous goods packaging return box

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

Contact us now

Our test laboratory is a recognised and authorised test centre for hazardous goods packaging made of corrugated cardboard. 

Advantages at a glance 

  • Packaging also available for limited quantity without authorisation 
  • Authorisation for hazardous goods in acc. with 4G 
  • Individual authorisation and type series authorisation possible 
  • Hazard class 1 – 3 possible 
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging 


  • Flute profile: C flute 
  • Outer sheet: Kraftliner, brown 
  • Direct flexographic printing: 1 colour

CAD number

 Fefco 0201

Sample applications 

  • Hazardous goods 

Type of Packaging

  • Corrugated boxes
  • Protective packaging
  • Transport packaging


  • Chemicals & Hazardous Goods