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Fruit and vegetable carrier

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

Contact us now

The new fruit and vegetable carrier is the environmentally friendly alternative to plastic netting or plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables. It has been developed with a practical carry handle to make is easier to transport and is available in different sizes. The consumer sees at first glance how fresh the goods are and that nothing is missing – and the contents remain protected against bruising. 

Advantages at a glance 

  • Cardboard packaging instead of plastic  
  • 100 % recyclable single-material packaging 
  • Practical carry handle to make it easy to carry 
  • Fruit carrier available in different sizes and with stacking lugs 
  • Optimum protection against bruising 
  • Contents are clearly visible to the consumer 

Corrugated cardboard instead of plastic 


  • Flute profile: E-flute 

CAD number


Sample applications 

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables 

    Type of Packaging

    • Baskets & trays
    • Promotional packaging
    • Die-cut packaging


    • Fruit & Vegetables
    • Foods