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Klingele herb display

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

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The jury of the “Goldene Welle” prize awarded by the German association of corrugated board manufacturers honoured this display due to its exemplary implementation of all customer requirements. From resource-saving production to the positive impact at the POS and the easy disposal in the retail trade.

Advantages at a glance

  • Products visible from all sides
  • Significant material savings through use of the side walls as an intermediate shelf
  • Resource-saving single-piece production
  • Space-saving delivery and storage
  • High-quality printing for optimum brand and production presentation
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging

Honoured with the “Goldene Welle” prize


  • Flute profile: BE flute
  • Closure: Bonded flaps
  • Produced in an inline process

CAD number


Example applications

  • Herbs
  • Plants
  • Food

Type of Packaging

  • Display
  • Promotional packaging
  • Special Solutions


  • Plants
  • Foods
  • Fruit & Vegetables
The green finger for transport - The Klingele quality promise