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Tray with stacking lugs

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

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An intelligent solution to prevent torn or bent corners on trays was found with Klingele stacking lugs. The new stacking lugs fix trays perfectly in place in a stack. This solution not only ensures a perfect visual appearance at the POS but also optimum stackability.

Advantages at a glance

  • Perfect visual appearance in shops thanks to the sturdy stacking lugs
  • Conversion requires no new plates
  • Easy automated set-up, no changeover needed on the packaging machine
  • Stacking lugs stabilise the packaging horizontally in both directions unlike with conventional stacking lugs
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging

Perfect fixation in a stack


  • Flute profile: EB-flute
  • Automated packaging


CAD number




Sample applications

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Field crops

Type of Packaging

  • Crate
  • Promotional packaging
  • Transport packaging
  • Die-cut packaging


  • Foods
  • Fruit & Vegetables