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Packaging for bar stools

Are you looking for innovative packaging?

Contact us now

The individual shipping packaging is ideal for transporting sensitive products, such as chrome-plated stools, ensuring that they are well protected. The die-cut inset made from robust corrugated cardboard prevents the goods being transported slipping and piercing through the packaging. 

Advantages at a glance 

  • Product is packed to ensure it is slip-proof and impact-resistant  
  • The corrugated cardboard can be die-cut for chrome-plated or scratch-sensitive surfaces without creating dust and with minimal material displacement through the use of a special die-cutting tool 
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging 

Dust-free die-cut insert! 


  • Flute profile: BC-flute 

CAD number


Sample applications 

  • Furniture 
  • Chrome-plated parts 

Type of Packaging

  • Heavy goods packaging
  • Special Solutions


  • E-Commerce & Mail Order Business
  • Electronics & Engeneerings & Mechanics