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Are you looking for innovative packaging?

Contact us now

The integrated carry handle on the shoe box makes using an additional bag superfluous. The handles double up as hanging bars for attaching additional shoe boxes below. This allows your customers to carry two pairs of shoes at once and still have one hand free.

Advantages at a glance:

  • The ecological alternative to the plastic bag
  • Replaces the classic, two-part shoe box
  • No additional carrier bag required in store
  • Carry handle assembled quickly and easily
  • Easy to assemble thanks to integrated foldable base
  • Optimal process thanks to single-piece packaging
  • 100% recyclable single-material packaging

Corrugated cardboard instead of plastic


  • Flute profile: E-flute
  • 3-point bonded joint

CAD number


Sample applications

  • Shoes
  • Sport shoes

Type of Packaging

  • Special Solutions
  • Die-cut packaging


  • Sports & Leisure & Fabrics