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Packaging for
E-Commerce &
Mail Order Business

Verpackungen für E-Commerce & Versandhandel

We advise start-ups and established online shops from a wide variety of industries and supply them with tailor-made shipping packaging. Here are a few industries in which we successfully implement our packaging, developments and concepts:


Verpackung für den Versand von Pharma und Kosmetik

Pharmaceutical / Cosmetics

Key feature of the packaging:

> Security

Verpackung für den Versand von Bücher und Multimedia

Books & Multimedia

Key feature of the packaging:

> Flexibility

Verpackung für den Versand von industriellen Produkten

Industrial Products

Key feature of the packaging:

> Stability

Verpackung für Logistik Dienstleister

Logistics Providers

Key feature of the packaging:

> Handling

Verpackung für den Versand von Textil und Bekleidung


Key feature of the packaging

> Variability

Verpackung für den Versand von Elektronik aus Wellpappe


Key feature of the packaging:

> Stability