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Success Story
Organic Distillery

Packaging design

Product protection




Packaging and product completely in harmony with nature

The factory based in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance produces organic essences and two types of gin. The products are sold to haute cuisine establishments, bars and trend stores as well as through the company's own webshop. Klingele was tasked with developing and realising a packaging concept for the individual bottles and the shipping carton.

Creativity in harmony with nature



  • Packaging concept for the individual bottles and shipping carton
  • Solution that reflects the ecologically-orientated product philosophy and the high quality of the product.
  • Efficient product protection
  • Low handling costs
  • Flexible modular system with as few carton sizes as possible
  • Optimum haptics and stable transport of the primary packaging
Aufgabenstellung Analyse


Our developers worked in close cooperation with the customer to analyse the specific needs and requirements of the products and their philosophy in order to ensure an optimum balance between ecology, value, haptics, handling and product protection.

Analyse Lösung

Solution development

Packaging and material concept 


The individual packaging is unprinted and is produced based on an extremely thin F-flute. Its rounded shape ensures maximum product protection because the bottle is only held at the top and bottom. This way, the label is not impaired by abrasion and the bottle is stabilised during transport.

The shipping carton consists of an outer carton that incorporates compartments with different positioning options to allow for a wide range of filling variants. Filling material is therefore not needed.

Plant patterns scanned onto the shipping packaging give it an attractive aesthetic design.

Lösung Umsetzung


Advice on the design, shape and material selection for the individual and shipping packaging and its production.

Umsetzung Erfolg


  • Successful and attractive concept that meets requirements both in the company and in the retail sector
  • Combination of the product and packaging philosophy in harmony with nature
  • Use of environmentally friendly materials
  • Organic Distillery currently sells 3,000 bottles per year.

Organic Distillery produces and sells organic essences and two types of gin for haute cuisine establishments and concept stores.  



>> The developers at Klingele have shown a great deal of empathy towards our needs and requirements and used their experience and expertise to provide us with the optimum solution. And they did this for an artisan business like us – this delighted us. <<

Christine Brugger, Managing Director of Organic Distillery