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Success Story

Packaging design



Ergonomic helper made of corrugated cardboard

The start-up company STEHAUFMAENNCHEN sought a partner who would work with them to develop a viable prototype solution for a foldable, mobile desk. The table-top solution aimed to create a flexible standing workplace for laptops, keyboards and even a heavy monitor in a few simple steps and all at an affordable price.

Partnership between the old & new economy



  • Development of a producible prototype solution
  • Foldable solution, with a low weight and maximum load-bearing capacity
  • Easy handling
  • Sustainable and cost-effective solution
Lösung Umsetzung


Advice on the construction and design to allow for streamlined and cost-effective production.

Umsetzung Erfolg


  • Foldable mobile desk: 775 g in weight, load-bearing capacity of 29 kg, can be assembled in a flash
  • Optimised production process allows for an attractive sales price
  • More than 1,000 sold already

STEHAUFMAENNCHEN develop solutions for the workplace of the future.


>> From the outset we sought a partner who would work hand in hand with us. Someone who is committed to providing a young company with the necessary expertise for the production of a product – and who is motivated to actively support an exciting, innovative project. <<

Yannik Schäfer, founder of the start-up company STEHAUFMAENNCHEN