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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

We use RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)-assisted logistics.

 This makes for transparent logistics processes and guarantees that our information chains have no missing links.
The RFID technology already supports our processes in the warehousing and received goods areas of our corrugated cardboard plants and our paper factory. It now also provides reliable and "seamless" transmission of important data during the further processing of our paper into corrugated cardboard for the purpose of raw material recording.
An RFID microchip accompanies the goods from the production stage onwards. RFID is used to store production information such as order data and manufacturing data, but also palette and roll data for internal transportation. This data is processed further using additional internal applications.

The way in which the system has been implemented for rolls of paper is more complex than it was for palette labelling: The transponder is not attached to the outside but inside the core, which is the only way for it to be functional until the last paper on the roll has been used up and transmit the necessary information.

That means we always know where your product is and how much is currently in stock. This saves a lot of time, provides us and you, our customers, with clarity, and automatically helps with your own internal processes.

All of the relevant information can be retrieved automatically in this way over the entire process chain. As a customer, you can also benefit from this by using RFID labelling for your own internal processes.

Interested in using RFID technology for your logistics? Get in touch with us:

Deputy Manager IT:
Oliver Roggenkamp

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