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Paper production

Papierproduktion bei Klingele
Serviceleistungen von Klingele

The heart of our paper production

Our paper machine is equipped with the best technology for the production of high-quality corrugated base paper with excellent printability and perfect running properties. The continuous quality control of the technical properties of our paper by our employees ensures high and constant paper quality right through to delivery to our customers.

Papierproduktion mit Papiermaschine
Produktion von Papier für Wellpappe

The performance data of our paper machine

We produce up to 40 tons of superb quality corrugating medium and testliner per hour with surface weights of 120 to 180 g/m2 on the basis of 100% waste paper and an operating speed of up to 1,200 metres. High-quality, environmentally friendly corrugated cardboard packaging is made from the 270,000 tons of corrugated base paper that we produce each year. This packaging produces good results in printing and further processing.




Working width 



Surface weights 

120 – 180


Operating speed  


max. m/min
Wellpappenrohpapiere mit besten Laufeigenschaften

Our product


Download Testliner data sheet!

Wellpappenrohpapiere mit besten Laufeigenschaften

Our product

Corrugating medium

Download Fluting data sheet!

Papierproduktion in einer Papiermaschine

The features of our paper machine

  • 2 fourdriniers
  • 3 nip press sections
  • Film press (starch application, colouring, additive application)
  • QLS/PLS, online colour measurement
  • Web inspection system
  • Fully automatic roll cutter