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Quality of paper
from Klingele Papierwerke

Qualität der Papiere für Wellpappe
Qualität von Klingele

Consistent corrugated base paper quality

Our customers can rely on the consistent quality of our corrugated base paper for the production of boxes, cartons, cases and packaging. This is guaranteed by the perfect interplay of our internal processes, from the selection of raw materials and a qualified production process to an intensive quality control and reliable delivery.

Prüfstand für Papier
Qualitätsprüfung von Papier

Integrated management system

Our quality management ensures that our processes, standards and tests are standardised and are trading guidelines for all employees. These standards and regulations for production, safety and the environment are part of the managerial functions and are conveyed to all employees during regular training. A continuous improvement process guarantees the further development of product quality and occupational safety as well as the reduction of environmental pressures, thus ensuring the satisfaction of our customers.

Production in the Weener paper mill is compliant with our quality management system certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001. In addition, the environmental management system is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2004. This is the basis for the analysis of material and energy flows in the company. Our quality standards also include the careful use of all resources. That is why we are also certified for energy management.

Erfolgreiche Abwicklung bei Klingele

Quality management in accordance with ISO 9001

Download ISO 9001 certificate!

Erfolgreiche Abwicklung bei Klingele

Environmental management in accordance with ISO 14001 

Download ISO 14001 certificate!

Erfolgreiche Abwicklung bei Klingele

Energy management in accordance with ISO 50001

Download ISO 50001 certificate!

Our corrugated base paper is ISEGA certified

All of the corrugated base paper produced and processed by Klingele has been analysed by the free, independent test and certification institute ISEGA and certified without any objections. The paper complies with the regulatory requirements for contact with food in all respects. You can therefore use our certified, high-quality corrugated base paper produced in environmentally friendly processes without hesitation for your food packaging.

From the process to the paper

Qualität von Klingele
  • Optimum fibre orientation

    We pay particular attention to our fibre orientation (TSO angle) to avoid diagonally-shaped curves on the corrugated cardboard system.

  • Online colour measurement

    The waste paper may cause colour differences. We can use the online colour measurement to even out these colour differences and are able to provide our customers with a constant testliner colour at all times.

  • Online inspection system

    We use an online inspection system to check the surface and inspect the paper. This can be used to detect deposits and holes at a preliminary stage.

  • Automatic testing unit

    As the relevant quality parameters of each finished roll on the paper machine is checked with an automatic testing unit, we can ensure a consistently high level of quality.

  • Target system

    The target system of the roll cutter enables, for example, the holes in the paper to be sealed so that no machine breakdowns occur on the corrugated cardboard system or in the further processing stage.

  • Runability of our paper on the corrugated cardboard system

    We have installed a special, continuous cleaning system in the front drying groups to ensure that deposits in the paper are reduced to an absolute minimum and to guarantee better cross moisture profiles. This enables us to guarantee fewer breaks and higher performance on the corrugated cardboard system.