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paper for packaging

Klingele Super Cobb is recyclable, ISEGA-certified and ensures high stability during transport

Perfect protection against condensation and splashed water

Long transport routes and temperature fluctuations have a negative effect on most packaging. The quality of the packaging plays a crucial role in coping with any condensation that may form. The water-repellent properties of our Super Cobb special paper ensure high packaging stability, thus optimally protecting your products during their journey.

Advantages at a glance

  • Water can stand on the Super Cobb for twice as long as other heavily glued paper
  • We guarantee significantly reduced water absorption for over 60 minutes with Super Cobb 3600
  • High packaging stability for frozen and chilled food, baked goods, pet food, fruit and vegetables and much more
  • Cost-effective alternative to fresh fibre and coated paper
  • Excellent for processing and printing
  • ISEGA - certified – suitable for dry and non-greasy food
  • 100% recyclable
The water-repellent paper in a laboratory test

Condensation on packaging for frozen and refrigerated food: a case for Klingele Super Cobb

Frozen and refrigerated food is often transported over long distances. Condensation forms on frozen packaging and packaging containing refrigerated food – in seconds – just as quick as when your glasses mist over when you come into a warm room from the cold! This condensation can render corrugated cardboard packaging unusable within a short period of time.

With our Super Cobb special paper, a formula specially developed and tested in Klingele's laboratory ensures that condensation cannot penetrate the packaging as quickly. This ensures the required packaging stability and the corrugated cardboard packaging containing our customers’ frozen and refrigerated food arrives at its destination in the same condition in which it left the plant. Our Super Cobb packaging is based on 100% waste paper and yet sustainable, environmentally friendly and recyclable.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on Super Cobb