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Shipping Packaging
for Plants
and Flowers

Versandverpackung für Blumen und Pflanzen

Plant shipping packaging – for the secure shipment of plants and flowers

The shipping packaging is the ideal solution for sending sensitive plants and flowers securely and undamaged. The variable insert allows you to send up to 1,000 different sizes of plants and flowers.

The advantages of the plant shipping packaging at a glance:

  • Robust packaging keeps plant pots stable
  • Variable insert for different pot sizes
  • Simple folding technique allows easy handling during packaging
  • Load capacity of up to 30 kg
  • Manual packaging without a machine

Your individual solution

This packaging solution can be used for shipping a variety of different plants and flowers. We design tailor-made packaging and adapt the flute types, inner and outer liners, printing and sizes, for example, to your individual requirements.